Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 25, 0530

  Quiet here after the initial uproar over the Quran burning incident at Bagram. Entrance control points are locked down which means that nothing enters or leaves the base. Similar security measures are in place on many bases particularly those in Kabul where violent reactions continue. Many killed there, primarily locals and Afghan police in clashes near bases and the presidential palace. Violent protest are taking place all over the country in a state where insurgents know how to tap into the frustration of locals often using their anger to fuel anti-American and anti- Karzai sentiment. Similar protests in Mazir I Sharif last year resulted in the killing of six NATO workers targeted by insurgent militia. In a formerly lawless state, maintaining order is a challenge and I feel for the local police tasked with it and hats off to them, it is new world they live in. My friends in Kabul feel the heat, travel in and around the city is difficult at best and now requires convoy support. Last week, an up armored suv was sufficient for a 3 mile drive. Today, safe houses are being burned as outrage spreads. The lock down prevents supplies of fuel or food and also, prevents re-supply of bases in outlying areas. Temperatures overnight at 12 F, daytime highs around freezing minimize the resistance.  View facing west from Bagram Airfield, the base of the mountains are around 10 miles away from us. Bagram elevation at 5000'.

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